Working for fair and reasonable Sign Codes and Ordinances


The organization’s mission is dedicated to uniting our industry in the Greater DFW Metroplex through the advocacy and protection of our customers’ best interests; promotion of aesthetic yet functional on-premise sign planning and business development of each municipality through ordinance collaboration; and providing education and teamwork through the ideals and principles of professional leadership.

Our goals are to provide proactive and prudent assistance, education and service to help our customers and municipalities better understand the advantages of functional and appropriate signage codes.

“The Greater DFW Sign Association will provide synergy, value and success in meeting our clients’ objectives.”

It is our desire to provide value through the following:

1) Unification of our membership

2) Dissemination of regulatory changes and associated information

3) Effective marketing and public relations

4) Ethical best practices.


The Greater Houston Sign Association was founded and is intended to bring together sign industry companies interested in forwarding solid business practices, fair regulatory practices, and a participatory involvement of its members. We believe that through these efforts, as well as sharing resources and common goals, a better business environment for our members can be created and nurtured in a manner beneficial to all. This includes not only our members, but the sign industry as a whole and the greater Houston area business community.


ASA Mission Statement

To improve the perception and effectiveness of signage and the sign industry as a whole.

Improving communications between our members and municipalities while encouraging businesses to prosper.


Austin Sign Association is your local sign association serving central Texas.  We hold several meetings per year, with featured industry guest speakers, networking opportunities and special events. 

As a small business owner, you probably struggle with important issues such as codes and ordinances, permitting process and requirements from numerous municipalities.  It is the goal of ASA to improve these processes, thereby reducing your outlay of time and money and improving your profit margins.

Our goal is to bring together sign industry professionals interested in forwarding solid business practices and fair regulatory practices.

SASA Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide sign contractors like you with the tools and training you need to be successful and profitable.  By improving the perception and effectiveness of signage and the sign industry as a whole while improving communications between our members and municipalities, encouraging businesses to prosper.


San Antonio Sign Association is your local sign association serving South Texas.  We hold several meetings per year, with featured industry guest speakers, networking opportunities and special events. 


As a small business owner, you probably struggle with important issues such as code and ordinance, permitting process and requirements from numerous municipals.  It is the goal of SASA to improve these processes, thereby, reducing your outlay of time and money, improving your profit margins.

The West Texas Sign Association was founded and is intended to bring together sign industry companies interested in forwarding solid business practices, fair regulatory practices, and a participatory involvement of its members. We believe that through these efforts, as well as sharing resources and common goals, a better business environment for our members can be created and nurtured in a manner beneficial to all. This includes not only our members, but the sign industry as a whole and the West Texas region business community.